Tag counselor

The Ethical Challenges of a SUD Counselor

Join South Southwest ATTC and the University of Central Arkansas in "The Ethical Challenges of an SUD Counselor," presented by Trisha Jenkins, Clinical Instructor at UCA. Aug. 1st, 9 am - 12 pm Central Time, Online Webinar https://attcnetwork.org/centers/south-southwest-attc/event/ethical-challenges-sud-counselor Description:  The Ethical Challenges of a SUD Counselor will take an interactive approach to discuss the many […]

Recovery Symposium 2023

University of North Texas Business Leadership Building, Room 245 1307 W Highland St, Denton, TX, United States

Join ARI's SSW ATTC partner the University of North Texas Recovery to Practice in the Recovery Symposium 2023 held both virtually and in-person on September 27th from 2-5 pm CT.