Generating systemic change along the addiction recovery continuum
Lori Holleran Steiker, PhD, is the Steve Hicks Professor of Addiction, Recovery and Substance Use Services at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work, a University Distinguished Teaching Professor, and the Director of Instruction, Engagement and Wellness at the School of Undergraduate Studies.
Holleran Steiker has been at The University of Texas at Austin since 2000, and held the Steve Hicks Professorship of Addiction and Substance Abuse Services since Fall 2018. She holds faculty appointments at UT Dell Medical School Department of Psychiatry as well as Baylor College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine. She holds an administrative position in the School of Undergraduate Studies as Director of Instruction, Engagement and Wellness, and is the pending Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

An Advocate for Hope
Recently featured in the Telling Our Stories campaign presented by the Steve Hicks School of Socal Work, Dr. Holleran Steiker tells her story.
Community Momentum
Dr. Holleran Steiker has been a founder and co-founder for various programs focused on bringing together UT students, clinicians, addiction research experts, community overdose prevention organizations, those affected by substance use and many more.
University High School was founded in 2014 by Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker to help students affected by substance use disorder have a safe place to continue their studies in a supportive recovery environment. In partnership with Austin Recovery and the UT Center for Students in Recovery, the UHS allows students a ‘wraparound’ environment to excel in school but also meet the needs of the child at their pace and evalaute their needs throughout the day.
Lori was interviewed on The Social Work Podcast in 2016, talking about her efforts in the creation of Austin’s first recovery high school.
The Youth Substance Misuse and Addiction Pop-Up Institute was founded in 2017 by Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker to bring together students, staff and local agencies and organzization who focus on youth substance misuse, research, intervention and recovery initiatives. In total, the ‘Pop-Up Institute’ accomplished 6 key goals including Operation Naxolone, resources and services for those attending UT and in the community as well as talks and events hosted by various researchers, addiction experts and professionals.

The UTORC brings together experts in opioid-related research, education and clinical practice across The University of Texas at Austin’s campus. Founded by Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker, UTORC seeks to develop and disseminate impactful community-focused solutions to enhance prevention, treatment and harm reduction efforts in Texas.
Operation Naloxone was started by Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker with Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Lucas Hill in 2017. Funded by a grant program from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Operation Naloxone is aimed at addressing the opioid crisis by increasing access to treatment, reducing unmet treatment needs, and reducing opioid (heroin and nonmedical pain relievers) overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery activities for opioid use disorder, which includes both prescription opioids as well as illicit drugs.

SHIFTing the Campus Culture
around Substance Use
UT SHIFT was founded by Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker in 2018 to help change student campus culture at The University of Texas at Austin from a culture of substance use to that of wellness.
Teaching +
Dr. Holleran Steiker has served on 29 Dissertation Committees since 2003 and has taught the popular course, Young People and Drugs at UT since 2008. Her other courses are: Theories and Methods of Family Intervention, Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families, Social Work Practice with Groups, Doctoral Conference Courses, Masters Conference Course, Dynamics of Chemical Dependency, Adolescent Chemical Dependency and Theories and Methods of Group Intervention
Academic Appointments
2022 – Assistant Director for Education and Training at the Addiction Research Institute, ARI
2019 – Associate Dean for Student Support & Director of Instruction, Engagement & Wellness, UT Austin Undergraduate Studies
2019 – Steve Hicks Professor of Addictions and Substance Abuse Services, UT Steve Hicks School of Social Work
2016 – Adjunct Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine
22-23 Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
22-28 Selected as a member of the University of Texas at Austin Provost’s Distinguished Service Academy
2021 – Honored by Austin Recovery Network with the establishment of the Holleran Steiker Scholarship Fund to provide recovery support and education to youth with substance use disorders
Learn More and Contact Dr. Holleran Steiker!
1995 – 2000 Assistant Instructor, Arizona State University, School of Social Work
1993 – 2000 Graduate Associate, Drug Resistance Strategies Project, Arizona State University, School of Social Work
2000 – 2006 Assistant Professor, The University of Texas At Austin, School of Social Work
2006 – Associate Professor with tenure, UT School of Social Work
2009 – 2012 Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs, School of Social Work, The University of Texas At Austin
2016 – Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine
2016 – Present Full Professor, Steve Hicks School of Social Work
2019 – Associate Dean for Student Support & Director of Instruction, Engagement & Wellness, University of Texas at Austin Undergraduate Studies
2022 – Present Assistant Director for Education and Training, the Addiction Research Institute (ARI), Steve Hicks School of Social Work
Present – Steve Hicks Professor of Addictions and Substance Abuse Services, UT Steve Hicks School of Social Work
2003 – 2004 Texas Exes Teachers Excellence Award, The University of Texas at Austin
2004 – Outstanding Investigator Award, The University of Texas at Austin, Center For Health Promotion & Prevention Research (CHPR)
2004, 2005, 2010 – Students with Disabilities Appreciation Award, The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Students with Disabilities
2004, 2005, 2010, 2011 – Nominated for the William David Blunk Memorial Professorship, The University of Texas at Austin
2006, 2008 – Nominated for the CHANCELLOR’S Council Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Texas at Austin
2007 – Nominated for the Lora Lee Pederson Teaching Excellence Award, The School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin
2007 – Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award, Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
2007 – Nomination supported by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Texas for The 2007 National Exemplary Award for Innovative Substance Abuse Prevention Programs, Practices, and Policies
2007 – Nominated for the David Austin Research Award, The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work
2009 – Chosen as a Research Scientist member of the NHSN (National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse)
2010 – Outstanding Leadership Award, The University of Texas at Austin, University Health Services, Center for Students in Recovery (CSR)
2010 – Lora Lee Pederson Teaching Excellence Award, University of Texas School of Social Work
2010 – Dad’s Centennial Professorship, Spring Semester, The University of Texas at Austin
2010 – Chosen as the Texas Delegate for the A&E 2010 Recovery Rally, Philadelphia, PA
2011 – Diana DiNitto Faculty Peer Mentor Award, UT School of Social Work
2011 – Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Texas System
2012 – Nominated and Semi-Finalist for the Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin
2012 – Inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, The University of Texas
2012 – Big XII Faculty Fellowship – to study Centers for Students in Recovery with Dr. K. Harris at Texas Tech
2012 – Nominated for UT President’s Association Teaching Excellence Award by School of Undergraduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas
2013 – Selected as a member of the Steering Committee of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, The University of Texas at Austin
2013 – Selected as a Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellow, Senior Fellow
2013 – Selected as a member of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
2013 – Nominated by the UT Faculty Council and chosen by President Powers for appointment in 2013 for a four-year term to the Intercollegiate Athletics Council for Women
2013 – Recipient of the Tower Award, Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award by the University of Texas Longhorn Center for Civic Engagement
2013 – Nominated for the Minnie Piper Stevens Professorship
2013 – Chosen as a Senior Faculty Teaching Fellow to help transform teaching on the UT Campus
2014 – UT President’s Associates Teaching Excellence award
2014 – University of Texas Honor Society Award, Friar Centennial Fellowship
2014 – Nominated for Minnie Stevens Piper Professorship
2015 – Chosen as one of Social Work Today’s 10 Dedicated and Deserving Social Workers
2015 – Ulysses “Mac” McLester Spirit of Recovery award by Austin’s Communities for Recovery
2015 – Named one of “2015 Texas 10” Most Inspiring and Talented UT Professors by Texas Exes Alumni
2015 – Cale McDowell Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Studies
2015 – 2015 CSWE Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education (CSWE) Award (to be presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO; October, 2015)
2016 – Selected as one of 13 Advisory Council members for Texans for Recovery and Resiliency, a SAMHSA-supported statewide network collaboration between the Texas Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (TXFFCHM) and RecoveryPeople
2016 – Recipient of the University of Texas “Eyes of Texas” Award
2016 – Nominated for the Minnie Piper Stevens Professorship
2016 – Nominated by the School of Social Work for the University of Texas System Academy of Distinguished Teachers
2017 – Senate of College Council’s 2017 Edith Clarke Woman of Excellence Award
2018 – Recipient of the William David Blunk Memorial Professorship
2018 – Minnie Piper Stevens Award for Teaching Excellence (10 professors in all of Texas)
2019 – University of Texas at Austin Civitatis Award for outstanding faculty citizenship, in recognition of dedicated and meritorious service to the University above and beyond the regular expectations of teaching, research, and service.
2021 – Nominated for the Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award associated with the American Psychological Association, for inspiration of students towards a community change
2021 – Appointed by the State of Texas (Governor’s Comptroller’s Office and HHSC) to the Texas Opioid Abatement Council, formed to ensure that money recovered through the joint efforts of the state and its political subdivisions through a statewide opioid settlement agreement is allocated fairly and spent to remediate the opioid crisis using efficient, cost-effective methods (14 individuals selected)
2021 – Honored by Austin Recovery Network with the establishment of the Holleran Steiker Scholarship Fund to provide recovery support and education to youth with substance use disorders
2022 – 2028 Selected as a member of the University of Texas at Austin Provost’s Distinguished Service Academy for faculty members with extraordinary achievements across their portfolios and in particular in terms of their excellence in mentoring and service to their college, the university, the state of Texas and the nation
2022 – 2023 Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
Bachelor of Arts (Honors English)
Duke University
Master of Social Work
University of Pennsylvania
Ph. D in Social Work
Arizona State University
- Undergraduate Studies, teaching and learning, and the collegiate First Year Experience
- Emerging adult and adolescent substance use: Prevention, intervention and recovery
- Recovery Schools: Collegiate and high school recovery support programs
- Harm Reduction, Opioids, and Overdose: Prevention and Intervention
- Social work with groups
- Grief and Loss related to substance use disorders
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2016). Youth & Substance Use: Prevention, Intervention & Recovery. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc.
Holleran Steiker, L.K., Editor (2015), Signature Course Stories: Transformational Undergraduate Teaching and Learning. UT Press: Tower Books.
De la Rosa, M., Holleran, L.K., & Ashenberg-Straussner, S.L. (2005). Substance Abusing Latinos: Current Research on Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment. New York: Haworth Press, Inc.
Articles in Press and Print
Sierra Castedo de Martell, Lori Holleran Steiker, Andrew Springer, Jeffery Jones, Emily Eisenhart & H. Shelton Brown III (2022) The cost-effectiveness of collegiate recovery programs, Journal of American College Health
McCormick, K. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2021). A social work perspective on the opioid solution: A community-based expansion of the Hub-and-Spoke Ecosystem. Journal of Social Work Practice in Addictions
Xuan, Z., Choi, J., Lobrutto, L., Cunningham, T., Castedo de Martell, S., Cance, J., Silverstein, M., Yule, A., Botticelli, M., Holleran Steiker, L. (2021). Youth Addiction and Recovery: The Role of Young Adult Support Services. In Principles of Care for Young Adults with Substance Use Disorder, a Special Edition of the journal Pediatrics
Morissette, S. B., Ryan-Gonzalez, C., Yufik, T., DeBeer, B. B., Kimbrel, N. A., Sorrells, A. M., Holleran-Steiker, L., Penk, W. E., Gulliver, S. B., & Meyer, E. C. (2021). The effects of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms on educational functioning in student veterans. Psychological Services, 18(1), 124–133
Michael Mackert, Kathrynn Pounders, Laura E. Brown, Susan Kirtz, Jessica Hughes Wagner, David
Ring, Lucas Hill, Gary Wilcox, Dhiraj Murthy, William Tierney, Sheri Innerarity, Matthew McGlone, Lori K. Holleran Steiker, Karen DeSalvo, Jay M. Bernhardt & Kelly Pretorius (2020) Development of a health communication campaign to promote the Texas prescription monitoring program, Health Marketing Quarterly, 37:3, 222-231
Hill, L. C., Holleran Steiker, L.K., Mazin, L. & Kinzly, M. L. (2019): Implementation of a collaborative model for opioid overdose prevention on campus, Journal of American College Health. Jan 7:1-4
Powell, T. and Holleran-Steiker, L.K. Supporting Children After a Disaster: A Case Study of a Psychosocial School-Based Intervention. Clin Soc Work J 45, 176–188 (2017)
Holleran Steiker, L.K. & McElrath, J. (2017). The Role of Recovery School Settings in the Treatment Continuum. Paradigm, 21(2): 16-17
Holleran Steiker LK, McElrath, J (2017). Recovery Schools Rise to the Challenge: Shifting Alcohol Norms and Behaviors in Youth and Emerging Adults, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2016). Opioid Overdose Prevention Initiatives on the College Campus: Critical Partnerships between Academe and Community Experts. J Drug Abuse, 2:2
Holleran Steiker, L. K.; Nash, A.; Counihan, C.; White, W., Harper, K. & Nash, A. (2015). Transforming Austin: Augmenting the System of Care for Adolescents in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders. The Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 3:203-210
Powell, T., & Holleran-Steiker, L. K. (2015). Supporting Children After a Disaster: A Case Study of a Psychosocial School-Based Intervention. Clinical Social Work Journal, 1-13
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Smyth, N. J. (2015) Trauma Informed Care and Addiction Recovery. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15(1): 134-142
Holleran Steiker, L. K.; Hopson, L. M.; Goldbach, J. T. & Robinson, C. (2014) Evidence for Site-Specific, Systematic Adaptation of Substance Prevention Curriculum With High-Risk Youths in Community and Alternative School Settings, Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23:5, 307-317
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Grahovac, I. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue: Substance Use Problems and Issues in Recovery Among College Students. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 14(1), 1-5
Mackert, M., Mabry, A., Hubbard, K., Grahovac, I & Holleran Steiker, L. K, (2014). Perceptions of Substance Abuse on College Campuses: Proximity to the Problem, Stigma, and Health Promotion. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 14(3), 273-285
Holleran Steiker, L.K., Grahovac, I, White, W. (2014)Social Work and Collegiate Recovery Communities. Social Work 59 (2): 177-180
Okamoto, S. K., Kulis, S., Marsiglia, F. F., Holleran Steiker, L. K., & Dustman, P. (2014). A continuum of approaches toward developing culturally focused prevention interventions: From adaptation to grounding. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 35(2), 103-112
Holleran Steiker, L., Comstock, K., Arechiga, S., Mena, J., Hutchins-Jackson, M., Kelly, K., & the MARS Relapse Prevention Group(2013).Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): A Dialogue With a Multidisciplinary Treatment Team and Their Patients. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(3), 314-323
Holleran Steiker, L. (2013). African American Adult Children of Alcoholics: An Interview with J. Camille Hall, Ph.D., LCSW. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(1), 118-122
Holleran Steiker, L. (2013). “Prevention of Adolescent and Young Adult Alcohol and Drug Problems.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Ed. Edward J. Mullen. New York: Oxford University Press
Powell, T. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2013). Working with Children and Families who have Survived Natural Disasters: Exploring Substance Abuse and Other Risk Factors. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12(2), 209-214
Holleran Steiker, L., McCarthy, M. & Downing, A. (2012). Special Topics — Substance Abuse and the Military: An Interview with Michael McCarthy and Alexander Downing.Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12(1), 111-11
Pomeroy, E. C. & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2012). Prevention and Intervention on the Care Continuum. Social Work 57(2)
Holleran Steiker, L., Goldbach J., Hopson, L., & Powell, T. (2011). The value of cultural adaptation processes: Older youth participating as substance abuse Preventionists. Child and Adolescent Social Work. 28, 498-509
Holleran Steiker, L. K., Grahovic, I., Sammons, K & Millichamp, K.(2011). University Centers for Students in Recovery. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 11(3),290-294
Holleran, Steiker, L., Powell, T., Goldbach, J., & Hopson, L. (2011). Dissonance-Based Interventions for Substance Using Alternative High School Youth. Practice, 23(4), 235-252
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Scarborough, B. (2011). Special Topics: Judaism, Alcoholism and Recovery – the Experience of Being Jewish and Alcoholic. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 11(1),90-95
Barrera, M., Jr., Castro, F. G., & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2011). A critical analysis of approaches to the development of preventive interventions for subcultural groups. American Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 439-454
Goldbach, J. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2011). An examination of cultural adaptations performed by LGBT identified youth to a culturally grounded, evidence based substance abuse intervention. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 23 (2), 188-200
Goldbach, J., Thompson, S. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2011). Special Considerations for Substance Abuse Intervention with Latino Youth. The Prevention Researcher, 18(2), 8-11
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Malone, P. (2010). Supervision and Social Work: Providing and Utilizing Guidance in the Area of Substance Abuse. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 10(3), 427-432
Holleran Steiker, L.K.; Helmly, P. M.; Clements, T. & Earthman, E. (2010). New and Promising Technologies in the Field of Addiction Recovery. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 10(3), 331-338
Bell, H. & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). Special Topics Dialogue: Prostitution and Substance Abuse. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 10(2), 218-223
Castro, F. G.; Barrera, M. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2010). Issues and Challenges in the Design of Culturally-Adapted Evidence-Based Interventions. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 6, 213–39
Cody, P.; Holleran Steiker, L. K.; Szymandera, M. L. (2010). Equine Therapy: Substance Abusers “Healing Through Horses.” Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 11(2)
Hopson, L.M & Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2010). The Effectiveness of Adapted Versions of an Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Program for Alternative School Students. Children and Schools, 32(2), 81-92
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2009). Intimate Partner Abuse Among Women With Substance-Related Problems, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 9(3), 343-347
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Pomeroy, E. C. (2009). A Dialogue on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the Prenatal Impact of Substances on Children. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 9(4), 417-422
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Hohman, M.(2009). Motivational Interviewing and Addiction. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(2), 236-239
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Springer, D.(2009). Substance Abusing Incarcerated Youth: An Interview with Dr. David Springer. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(1), 135-139
Mallow, A. & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2009). Recovery – Personal, Professional, and Research Reflections by an Anonymous Recovering Woman. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 10(1), 102-108
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2008). Making Drug and Alcohol Prevention Relevant: Adapting evidence-based curricula to unique adolescent cultures. Family & Community Health, 31(1S), S52-60
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008).Gambling Addiction: The Experts. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 8(2), 269-275
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Cultural Considerations for Residential Treatment of Children and/or Adolescents. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth. 23(1/2), 61-74
Holleran Steiker, L. K.; Castro, F. G.; Kumpfer, K.; Marsiglia, F. F.; Coard, S. & Hopson, L. M. (2008). A Dialogue Regarding Cultural Adaptation of Interventions, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 8(1), 154-162
Holleran Steiker, L., & Goldbach, J. (2008). Abstract, Research to practice: The value of engaging youth in adapting substance abuse prevention interventions. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 32, 368A-368A
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Loukas, A. (2008). Vocational Students’ Tobacco Use. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions,8(4), 553-556
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & MacMaster, S.(2008).Syringe Exchange.Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 8(3), 412-416
Ellis, R., Holleran, L.K., MacMaster, S.A., Hopson, L., & Nilson, D. (2008). Culturally grounded HIV prevention for Latina adolescents in border areas. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 17(3-4), 389-412
Hopson, L. M. & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Methodology for Evaluating an Adaptation of Evidence-based Drug Abuse Prevention in Alternative Schools. Children in Schools, 30 (2), 116-127
Reeves, L. J., Dustman, P.A., Holleran, L. K., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2008). Creating culturally-grounded prevention videos: Defining moments in the journey to collaboration. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 8(1), 65-94
Taylor-Seehafer, M., Jacobvitz, D., & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Patterns of Attachment Organization, Social Connectedness, and Substance Use in a Sample of Older Homeless Adolescents: Preliminary Findings. Family & Community Health, 31(1S), S81-88
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Hopson, L. M. (2007). Substance Prevention with High Risk Youth. Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Section Connection (newsletter), issue 2. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Wichelt, S. (2007). Special Topics: Dialogue between the National Association for Children of Alcoholics and the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 7(3), 99-107
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2006). Consulting with the experts: Utilizing adolescent input in substance use prevention efforts. Social Perspectives/Perspectivas Sociales, 8(1), 53-66
Holleran, L. K. (2006). Working with Involuntary, Substance Abusing Clients in the Criminal Justice System: An Interview with Wendy Weil. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 6 (4), 131-135
Holleran, L.K. (2006). Special Topics: Student Assistance Programs. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 6 (1/2), 175-180
Holleran, L. K. & Marsiglia, F. F. (2006). Successful Pursuit of Research Funding. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 6 (3), 117-120
De La Rosa, M., Holleran, L.K., Rugh, D., & MacMaster, S.A. (2005). Substance abuse among U.S. Latinos: A review of the literature. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, special edition, De la Rosa & Holleran (Eds.) Vol. 5(1/2), 1-21
Holleran, L.K. (2005). Special topic: HIV/AIDS prevention practice with Latino/a substance abusers. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 5 (1-2), 175-183
Holleran, L.K. & Jung, S. (2005). Acculturative stress, violence, and resilience in the lives of Mexican American youth. Stress, Trauma and Crisis: An International Journal, 8, 107-130
Holleran, L.K., Taylor-Seehafer, M.A., Pomeroy, E. C., & Neff, J.A. (2005). Substance abuse prevention for high risk youth: Exploring culture and alcohol and drug use. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 23 (2/3), 164-184
Holleran, L., & MacMaster, S.A. (2005). Applying a Cultural Competency Framework to Twelve Step Programs. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 23, (4), 107-120
Holleran, L.K., & Thompson, S. (2005). The NIH K-Award Program: Funding opportunities for social work researchers. Research on Social Work Practice, 15(4), 301-308
MacMaster, S.A. & Holleran, L. K. (2005) Incorporating 12-Step Group Attendance in Addictions Courses: A Cross-Cultural Experience. Journal of Teaching in the Addictions, 4(2), 79-91
MacMaster, S.A., Holleran, L., & Chaffin, K. (2005). Empirical and theoretical support for non-abstinence-based prevention services for substance using adolescents. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 2 (1-2), 91-111
MacMaster, S.A., Holleran, L.K., Kostyk, L., & Chantus, D. (2005). Documenting Changes in the Delivery of Substance Abuse Services: The Status of the 100 Best Treatment Centers for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse of 1988. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 20 (3), 67-77
Bohman, T., Barker, T., Bell, M.L., Lewis, C., Holleran, L.K., & Pomeroy, E.C. (2004). Early intervention for alcohol use and vehicle safety skills: Evaluating the ProtectingYou/Protecting Me Curriculum. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 14(1), 17-40
MacMaster, S.A., Shatila, S., Holleran, L. (2004). Assessing the Social Service Needs of an Emerging Population of Recent Mexican Immigrants Living with, or at risk for, HIV/AIDS. Social Perspectives/ Perspectivas Sociales, 6, (2), 83-95
Pomeroy, E.C., Holleran, L.K., & Kiam, R. (2004). Postmodern feminism: A theoretical framework for a field unit with women in jail. Social Work Education, 23(1), 39-49
Rodriguez-Escobar, Y., Pomeroy, E.C., Holleran, L.K., & Noel, L. (2004). Culturally relevant social work services for Latinas infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Social Perspectives/Perspectivas Sociales, 63-81
Ferguson, M., Harding, S., & Holleran, L.K. [authors listed alphabetically] (2003). A dialogue on diversity and pedagogy in the social work classroom. Reflections: Narratives Journal for Helping Professionals, 9(3), 56-65
Holleran, L.K. (2003). Mexican American youth of the Southwest borderlands: Perceptions of ethnicity, acculturation, and race. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 25(3), 352-369
Holleran, L.K., & Waller, M. A. (2003). Sources of resilience of Chicano/a youth: Forging identities in the borderlands. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 20(5), 335-350
Ferguson, M., Springer, D. & Holleran, L.K. (2002). Shredding the safety net: Young mothers and TANF restrictions in federal and state substance abuse policy. Social Policy Journal, 1(2), 19-35
Holleran, L.K., Reeves, L., Marsiglia, F. F., & Dustman, P. (2002). Creating culturally grounded videos for substance abuse prevention: A dual perspective on process. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 2(1), 55-78
Pomeroy, E. C., & Holleran, L.K. (2002). Tuesdays with fellow travelers: A psychoeducational HIV/AIDS-related bereavement group. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 1(2), 61-77
Holleran, L.K. (2000). Chicano and Chicana youth of the Southwest: Cruising the boundaries. Unpublished Dissertation. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University
Marsiglia, F.F., Holleran, L.K., & Jackson, K.M. (2000). The impact of internal and external resources on school-based substance abuse prevention. Social Work in Education, 22(3), 145-161
Marsiglia, F.F., & Holleran, L.K. (1999). I’ve learned so much from my mother: An ethnography of a group of Chicana high school students. Social Work in Education, 21(4), 220-237. [Nominated for the Distinguished Research Award, Society for Social Work and Research, January, 2001]
Castedo, S., Salmeri, P.M., & Holleran Steiker, L. (in press) Chapter 6: Effective Collegiate Recovery Campuses: Key Elements of Two Exemplars. In New Directions for Student Services monograph on college students in recovery
Holleran Steiker, L.K. & McElrath, J. (2018). Chapter: The Role of Recovery School Settings in the Treatment Continuum. In Implementing the Grand Challenge of Reducing and Preventing Alcohol Misuse and its Consequences by Audrey Begun, Diana DiNitto, and Shulamith Lala A. Straussner (Eds.)
Castedo, S. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2017). Chapter 9: Collegiate Recovery Programs for Emerging Adults. In Doug C. Smith (Ed.), Emerging Adults and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Developmental Considerations and Innovative Approaches. New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2017) Screening Substance Use and Misuse among Middle and High School Students in Encyclopedia of Social Work. In Cynthia Franklin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Patel, A. B., Morissette, S. B., Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Sorrells, A. M. (2016). Substance Use Among Veterans. In Nathan D. Ainspan, Walter E. Penk & Craig S. Rosen, Handbook of Psychosocial Interventions for Veterans: A Guide for the Non-Military Mental Health Clinician
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Robles, E. H. (2015). A Culturally Grounded Empowerment Group for Mexican American Girls in E. Anthony & C. LeCroy (Eds.), Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment 2nd edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishers
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2015). Young People and Drugs. In Signature Course Stories: Transforming Undergraduate Learning (Editor). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, Tower Books
Holleran-Steiker, L., Goldbach, J., Hopson, L., Sagun, D., Laird, J. (2009). Prevention Science. In Cohen, L. M., Collins, F. L, Young, A. M., McChargue, D. E., & Leffingwell, T. R. (Eds.). The Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives, pp. 221-239. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
Holleran Steiker, L. & MacMaster, S.A. (2008). Substance Abuse. In K.M. Sowers & C.N. Dulmus (Series Editors) & B.W.White (Vol. Ed.), Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare: Vol. 1. Chapter 11: The Profession of Social Work (pp. 227-252). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2007). Special Topics: Dialogue Between the National Association for Children of Alcoholics and the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions: An Interview with Shelly A. Wichelt.In Impact of Substance Abuse on Children and Families: Research and Practice Implications. New York: Haworth Press, Inc., 175-180
Holleran, L.K., & Jung, S. (2006). Chapter 23: Screening substance use/abuse among middle and high school students. In The School Services Sourcebook.C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.) London: Oxford University Press, 259-274
Jung, S., & Holleran, L.K. (2006). Chapter 24: Substance abuse at elementary age: Effective interventions. In The School Services Sourcebook. C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.) London: Oxford University Press, 275-288
Holleran, L.K., Taylor-Seehafer, M.A., Pomeroy, E. C., & Neff, J.A. (2005). Substance abuse prevention for high risk youth: Exploring culture and alcohol and drug use. In Latinos and Alcohol Use/Abuse Revisited: Advances and Challenges for Prevention and Treatment Programs, 165-184. New York: Haworth Press. [Simultaneously published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 23 (2/3), 164-184.]
De LaRosa, M., Holleran, L.K., Rugh, D., & MacMaster, S.A.(2005). Substance use among U.S. Latinos. In M. De LaRosa, L. Holleran, & S. Straussner (Eds.) Substance abusing Latinos: Current research on epidemiology, prevention and treatment. 1-20. New York: Haworth Press
MacMaster, S.A., Holleran, L., & Chaffin, K. (2005). Empirical and theoretical support for non-abstinence-based prevention services for substance using adolescents. In Addiction, Assessment, and Treatment with Adolescents, Adults and Families. Carolyn Hilarski, Editor. 91-111. New York: The Haworth Press
Holleran, L.K. (2004). A culturally grounded empowerment group for Mexican American girls. In Working with children, adolescents and families: A case study approach. C.W. LeCroy & J. Daley (Eds.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Holleran, L.K., Kim, Y. M., & Dixon, K. (2004). Innovative approaches to risk assessment in alcohol prevention programming. In Handbook of Practice-Based Research and Evaluation. K. Yeager & A. R. Roberts (Eds.). 677-684. London: Oxford University Press
Holleran, L.K. (2003). Substance abuse. In The clinical assessment workbook: balancing strengths and differential diagnosis. E.C. Pomeroy & K. Wambach (Eds.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
Pomeroy, B. C., Holleran, L. K., & Franklin, C. (2003). Chapter 7: Adults. In Clinical assessment for social work: Quantitative and qualitative methods, 215-253. C. Jordan & C. Franklin (Eds.) Chicago: Lyceum Books
Book Reviews
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008).Adolescent Substance Abuse: Research and Clinical Advances,Howard A. Liddle & Cynthia L. Rowe (Eds.). Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 8 (4)
Holleran, L.K. (2004). A nation under the influence: America’s addiction to alcohol. By J.V. Peterson, B. Nisenholz, & G. Robinson. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 4(2), 95-96
Holleran, L.K. (2003). Substance abuse intervention: Prevention, rehabilitation, and systems change strategies by E. M. Freeman. Journal of Primary Prevention, 24(2)
Marsiglia, F.F., & Holleran, L. (2000). Substance abuse prevention in multicultural communities by J. Valentine, J.A. DeJohg, & N.J. Kennedy (Eds.). New York: The Haworth Press. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 9(1/2), 155-157
Marsiglia F.F., & Holleran, L. (1998). Cultural diversity and social work practice (2nd Edition) by D.F. Harrison, B.A. Thyer, & J.S. Wodarski (Eds.) Springfield, Ill.: Charles Thomas. Social Work with Groups, 21(2), 164-167
Holleran Steiker, L. & McCormick, K. (2021, August). A Community-Based Hub-and Spoke Ecosystem for Bexar County Opioid Abatement
Holleran Steiker, L. & McCormick, K. (2021, June). A Community-Based Hub-and Spoke Ecosystem for Dallas County Opioid Abatement. Holleran Steiker, L. K., Nunn, S., Peyson, R. & Acker, D. (2015). TCE-PTP (Peer to Peer) Evaluation Report (Quarterly, March & June). Communities for Recovery, Austin, TX
Kaye, A. D.; Stuart, G.; Grahovac,I. & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2012). University of Texas at Austin Center for Students in Recovery Assessment Report. On record at UT, Austin, Texas
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). AIDS Service of Austin Outcome Study and Client Satisfaction Survey Report. On record at ASA, Austin, Texas
Invitational: Participant at the Center on Addictions “Youth Addiction Expert Summit” September, 2019, New York, NY
Invitational: Participant for the 2018 Grayken Center for Addiction “Young Adult Summit” Friday, October 26th, 2018 Boston, MA at the Boston Medical Center with national/international experts in this area.
Professional Presentations
McCormick, K. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2021, November). Addressing the opioid epidemic through interdisciplinary coordination: A community-based Hub-and-Spoke ecosystem. Oral presentation at the AMERSA 45th Annual Conference, Virtual
McCormick, K. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2021, April). An interdisciplinary solution to the opioid solution: A community-based expansion of the Hub-and-Spoke Ecosystem. Poster presentation at the 3rd Interprofessional Health Showcase, The University of Texas at Austin, Virtual.Sarria, V., Holleran Steiker, L. & Rainbolt, S. (2019). Integrating Opioid and Substance Misuse SBIRT in Non-Traditional Settings Serving Adolescents and Young Mothers. Partners in Prevention Conference. Renaissance Austin, TX November 5
McCormick, K. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2021, January). A social work perspective on the opioid solution: A community-based expansion of the Hub-and-Spoke Ecosystem. Oral presentation at the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, Virtual
Conway, F. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2020). How to not get “Emotionally Stuffed” over the Fall Break – Taking Care of Mental Health. Zoom, UT Austin, December
Holleran Steiker, L. (annually, 2018, 2019, 2020). Mandatory Training for Student Teachers: Understanding and Screening for a Substance Use Problem in Schools. University of Texas at Austin and Texas Educational Association, September
Holleran Steiker, L. (annually 2018, 2019, 2020) Training for Student Nurses on Substance Use Disorders: Prevention, Intervention, Assessment and Treatment. University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing
Holleran Steiker, L & Micks, P. (2020). Signature Courses: Enhancing the First Year Experience. The Lilly Conference for First Year Education. Doubletree Hotel, Austin, TX
Holleran Steiker, L. & Micks, P. (2018). “Signature Courses: Innovations in Implementing First Year Curriculum,” 25th National Conference on Students in Transition, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 14
Holleran Steiker, L. (2018). “Encouraging a Culture of Learning and Integration of Evidence into Practice: Opioids and Medication Assisted Recovery Support,” Texas Department of State Health Services Grand Rounds Presentation and Webinar, October 24
Holleran Steiker, L. (2018). Substance Use Disorders Screening for Student Teachers Training, FAC 21, University of Texas Training given every semester as per state mandate, Feb. 19
Holleran Steiker, L.; McElrath, J., Robinson, P. & McKay, B. (2018). There is Hope: Understanding and Finding Solutions for Today’s Alcohol and Drug-Addicted Youth. UCC Lecture Series, University Christian Church, Austin, TX, Feb. 15
Holleran Steiker, L. (2018). Innovations in the Addictions. University Lecture Series (ULS), Texas Union Theater, Feb. 20
Holleran Steiker, L. & Hill, L. (2017). Operation Naloxone: Bringing Opioid Awareness and Overdose Prevention to College Campuses. NASPA National Webinar for Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Eduction. December 6
Holleran Steiker, L. (2017). Strengthening and Growing Youth Recovery Ecosystems. Strengthening Youth and Families Conference, Austin, TX. November 2
Holleran Steiker, L (2017). Web-cast “Transition Age Youth and Their Families” for HRSA grant-funded Training and Certification for individuals who are current Recovery Residence Managers and/or those interested in becoming a Recovery Residence Manager on June 8, 2017
Holleran Steiker, L., Sierra Castedo & Julie McElrath, LCSW, (2017) “Austin’s Youth and Emerging Adult Recovery Network (YEARN)” for the Texas Behavioral Health Institute, Austin Convention Center, Aug. 2
Holleran Steiker, L.; Hill, L.; Barnes, N. (2017). Operation Naloxone: Overdose Prevention on Campus. McCombs HealthCare Conference, Austin, TX, April 7
Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). Clinical Social Work Interventions for Adolescents & Adults with Substance Use Disorders Two day workshop, Texas Society for Clinical Social Work (TSCSW), October 14-15, Fredericksburg , TX
Hill, L.; Kinzly, M.; Barnes, N.; Holleran Steiker, L. (2016) Naloxone Overdose Prevention and Intervention Training for the University of Texas at Austin Police Department (UTPD). October 11, Austin, TX
Holleran Steiker, L. (2016) “The Role of Recovery Schools in the Treatment Continuum.” Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders. September 10, Hyannis, MA
Castedo, S.; McElrath, J.; Holleran Steiker, L.K. & Medlin, K. (2016). Recovery in High School and Higher Education. The Texas Association of Addictions Professionals 42nd Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, August 13
Micks, P. M. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). The Signature Course: Transforming the Core Curriculum. Presentation at the 35th Annual First Year Experience Conference, Orlando, FL, February 21
Schuman, S. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). Defining Stigma: Investigating the Impact of Substance-Related Terms on Collegiate Sutdents’ Perceptions. Poster presentation, Texas Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, February 19
Seitzer, A. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). Innovation: A formal Mentorship Program Between Collegiate Sober Students (CSR) and Sober High School Students (UHS). Poster presentation, Texas Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, February 19
Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). Youth and Substance Use: Prevention, Intervention and Recovery. Keynote for the CJ Collins Symposium, San Antonio, TX, January 8
Micks, P. and Holleran Steiker, L. (2016). The Signature Course: Reinventing the Core Curriculum at the University of Texas at Austin. Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning-Austin, TX, January 7-9
Holleran Steiker, L.K., Castedo, S. J.; Ahlgrim, B. & Ebert, E. (2015). Augmenting Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care for Adolescents and Emerging Adults. McCombs Healthcare Symposium, Austin Texas, April 10
Micks, P. & Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2014). The Signature Course: Transforming the Core Curriculum at The University of Texas at Austin, for the Reinvention Center 2014 National Conference Poster Session, Arlington, VA, November 14
Sorrels, A.; Reagins-Lilly, S; Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2014). Student Veteran College Retention and Success: The University of Texas at Austin Collaborative Model, Reinvention Center 2014 National Conference Poster Session, Arlington, VA, November 14
Tyler, T., Packheiser, V & Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2014). Flipped classroom: providing experiential training in Social Work group practice classes. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, FL, October 23-36
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2014). Pilot Study of Student Veterans: Substance Use, Abuse, and Prevention Adaptation, presented at the American Psychological Association (APA). Washington, DC., August 9
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Counihan, C. (2014). Filling in the Gaps in the Adolescent Addiction – Recovery Continuum: Sober High Schools and Alternative Peer Groups. Presentation at the National Association of Social Sciences Conference. San Diego, CA., August 4
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2014). Austin’s First Recovery High School: An Innovative System-Based Initiative to Improve the Lives of Adolescents who Seek Recovery from Substance Abuse. McCombs Healthcare Symposium. Austin, TX, April 11
Holleran Steiker, L.K., Lutz, D., Cates, J., McAllister, A. & Ahlgrim, B.(2014). Successes and Challenges of the Alternative Peer Group (APG) Network for Adolescent Addicts in Recovery. Society for Adolescent Research Conference. Austin, TX, March 22
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2013). Substance Use & Abuse Among Veterans in College: Preliminary Data in the Creation of a Prevention Intervention. Higher Education Student Veteran Symposium College Veteran Success: Creating Connections that Count. Austin, TX, November 1
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2013). Valuing Prevention Across the Continuity of Care Spectrum. Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Summit: Children’s Optimal Health and the Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Austin Area. Austin, TX October 18
Holleran Steiker, L. K.;Sorrells, A. M.; Morrisette, S. B.; Penk, W. E.; Rhidenour, K. (2013). Setting the Stage for Prevention of Substance Abuse with Military Veterans in College. McCombs Healthcare Symposium: Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems: Focus on Social Issues. Austin, TX, April 12
Holleran Steiker, L., Goldbach, J., Marsiglis, F. F.; Castro, F. (2012). The Science of Adaptation: Improving prevention services for minority youth. National Hispanic Science Network (NHSN) 4-hour Break-Out Session. September 28
Grahovac, I., Maison, T., & Holleran Steiker, L., (2012). We Insist on Having Fun: How to create, organize, and implement activities for recovery communities. 11th Annual Association of Recovery Schools Conference, Houston, TX, July 19
Holleran Steiker, L., Grahovac, I., Maison, T., Stewart, G. (2012). Innovative Substance Abuse Prevention: Youth-led Adaptations as Intervention. McCombs UT Innovation in Health Care Delivery Systems Symposium, Austin, TX, April 26
Holleran Steiker, L. (2012). Adolescent Substance Abuse: Prevention and Treatment Considerations. 21st Annual Texas School Social Workers Conference, Austin, TX, February 23
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Hopson, L. M. (2011). Adolescent Substance Abuse: Techniques for Prevention and Intervention. Texas Association for Alternative Education, 21st Annual Conference, Austin, TX, February 4
Holleran Steiker, L. K. & Poku, D. (2010). The Dialogue: Non-Abstinence Based Drug Prevention For and By High School Youth. 8th National Harm Reduction Conference, Austin, TX November 18
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). Not My Child: A Survival Toolkit for Parents with Teens. Austin, TX. April 21
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). Panel Presentation: Increasing the Effectiveness of Prevention Interventions. Phoenix, AZ. April 23
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2009). Adolescent Substance Abuse: Techniques for Prevention and Intervention. Dropout Prevention and Recovery Conference: Best Practices for College and Career Readiness in Texas, Region XIII Education Center, Austin, TX. September 29
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2009). Panel Session: Applying the Science of Adaptation to Community Based Research. Seventh Annual Southwestern Interdisciplinary Research Center Research Conference: Culture Counts! Preventing and Reducing Health Disparities. Phoenix, AZ. March 20
Holleran Steiker, L.K. and Hopson, L. M (2009). Maintaining quality in cultural adaptation of evidence-based substance abuse prevention curricula: Systematic procedures to help host agencies adapt with fidelity. Center for Health Promotion and Research (CHPR) conference, January, 2010
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2008). Substance Abuse Training. AmeriCorp, Austin, TX
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2008). Adaptation of the evidence-based “keepin’ It REAL” program for and by older, high-risk youth in community settings. Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA., May 28
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Research to Practice: The Value Of Engaging Youth In Adapting Substance Abuse Prevention Interventions. Center for Health Promotion Research (CHPR) Summer Research Training Institute, Austin, TX, June 16
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Research Engaging Youth In Adapting Substance Abuse Prevention Interventions. Texas Research Society on Alcoholism (TRSA), Austin, TX. February 9
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Substance Abuse and Adolescents: Prevention and Intervention. Americorps, Austin, TX
Holleran Steiker, L., Goldbach, J. (2007) Adolescents as Experts: Integrating clinical expertise and youth-centered cultural adaptations in prevention. Partners in Prevention Conference, Austin, TX, November 12
Holleran Steiker, L., Goldbach, J. (2007) Adolescents as Experts: Integrating clinical expertise and youth-centered cultural adaptations in prevention. Presented at the Partners in Prevention Conference, Austin, TX, November
Holleran Steiker, Sagun, D., L.K., Hopson, L. M., &. Goldbach, J. (2007). A Community-Based Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Program: Effectiveness for Reducing Alcohol Use Among Adolescents. Society for Prevention Research 15h Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. May 31
Holleran Steiker, L.K., Hopson, L. M., & Goldbach, J. (2007). Youth Responses to Creating Culturally Grounded Substance Abuse Prevention Interventions. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Washington, D.C., April 25
Holleran Steiker, L.K., & Hopson, L. M. (2007). Evaluation of Culturally Adapted, Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Programs for Older Adolescents in Diverse Community Settings. Advancing Adolescent Health Conference. The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Health Promotion Research. February 28
Holleran, L.K. (2006). Evaluation of Culturally Adapted, Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention for High Risk Adolescents in Community Settings. Duke University, Transdisciplinary Prevention Research Center and the Center for Child and Family Policy, Durham, North Carolina, May 17
Holleran, L.K. (2006). Culturally Grounded Substance Abuse Prevention for High Risk Adolescents in Community Settings. Southwestern Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 21
Holleran, L.K., Hopson, L.M., & Sagun, D.(2006). Adaptation and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention for High Risk Adolescents in Community Settings. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), poster session. January 13
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2006) CWEC Scholar Lecture. The University of Texas at Austin
Holleran, L.K. & Hopson, L.M. (2005). Adaptation and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Drug and Alcohol Prevention for Adolescents in Community Settings. Partners in Prevention. Austin, Texas, November 16
Holleran, L.K.; Castro, F.; Coard, S.; Kumpfer, K.; Nyborg, V.; Stephenson, H. (2005) Moving Towards State of the Art, Culturally Relevant Prevention Interventions for Minority Youth. Society for Prevention Research annual meeting, May 27
Holleran, L.K. (2005). Drug prevention for youth: Considering Latino/a culture & acculturation. Latino Heritage Symposium, Southwestern University. March 4-5
Marsiglia, F.F., Kulis, S., & Holleran, L. (2005). Acculturation and ethnic identity: Culturally-grounded prevention with Mexican-American youth. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, Fl., January 14
Holleran, L.K. (2004). Substance prevention for high risk youth: Considering culture and acculturation. Partners In Prevention Training Conference, Austin, TX. Nov. 17-18
Holleran, L.K., Dustman, P., & Reeves, L. (2004). Reflections on culturally-grounded prevention videos: Exploring culture, acculturation, and drug use with high risk youth in three community settings. Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Quebec City. May 26-30
Holleran, L.K. (2004). Pulling it together: Effective substance abuse prevention strategies for children of promise. Keynote Speaker, 13th Annual Texas School Social Work Conference. Austin, TX. February 18-20
Holleran, L.K. (2004). Drug Prevention for high risk youth: Considering culture and acculturation. Research Colloquium: Florida State University School of Social Work. February 8-9
Holleran, L.K., Pomeroy, E.C., & Taylor, M. A. (2004). Acculturation and substance abuse prevention with high risk youth. Poster presentation. 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA. January 15-18
Lewis, C., Bohman, T., Barker, T., & Holleran, L.K. (2004). Alcohol use prevention and vehicle safety skills: Impact of the “Protecting You/Protecting Me” curriculum. Poster presentation. 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA. January 15-18
Marsiglia, F.F., Kulis, S., & Holleran, L. K. (2004). Acculturation and ethnic identity: Culturally-grounded prevention with Mexican-American youth. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, Florida. January 13-16
Holleran, L. K. (2003). Spiritual holes to spiritual wholes: Healing through addiction recovery. Society for Spirituality and Social Work 8th Annual Conference. Austin, TX. June 19-22
Holleran, L.K. (2003). Adolescent substance abuse. University of Texas Social Work Teleconference Series. June 18
Holleran, L.K. (2003). Adolescent substance abuse. Family Forward 2nd Annual Leadership Conference. Austin, TX. February 26
Holleran, L.K., Taylor, M., Pomeroy, E.C., Pine, P., Soares, L., & Ahn, H.M. (2002). CHPR Pilot: Drug resistance videos for high-risk youth. Center for Health Promotion Research (CHPR), The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. Promoting Health in Underserved Populations: A research conference on improving the health and health promotion behaviors of underserved populations. Poster presentation. Nov. 15
Pomeroy, E.C., & Holleran, L.K. (2002). Tuesdays with fellow travelers: An HIV/AIDS bereavement group. The Texas Chapter of The National Association of Social Workers 26th Annual Conference. Houston, TX. November 7-9
Holleran, L.K. (2002). Adolescent substance abuse. Texas CASA 13th Annual Conference. Austin Marriot, Texas, Oct. 11
Holleran, L.K. (2002). Presented on the UT School of Social Work “Sister Center” at the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Consortium Reception, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Sept. 12
Holleran, L.K. (2002). Intern presentation: Substance abuse prevention research. CHPR nursing interns. The University of Texas at Austin, School of Nursing. June 18
Holleran, L.K. (2002). Fellow’s presentation: RO3 Grant proposal processes. NIDA Minority Research Training Institute, Boston University, June 2-5
Holleran, L.K. (2002). Substance abuse prevention. The Office of Professional Development at the University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work Continuing Education Program. March 22
Holleran, L.K., & Pomeroy, E.C. (2002). Tuesdays with fellow travelers: A psychoeducational HIV/AIDS-related bereavement group. 48th Annual Program Meeting (APM), Council on Social Work Education. Nashville, Tennessee. February 24
Haynes, D., Davis, T., Yoo, S.K., & Holleran, L. (2002). The State of evaluation in Texas child abuse prevention programs: Development of evaluation capacity. Sixth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research: Promoting Evidence-Based Social Work Practice. San Diego, California. January 17-20
Pomeroy, E., Holleran, L.K., Schulte, C., & Couvillion, C. (2001). AIDS/HIV Dan Forrester Memorial Session: Biopsychosocial treatment of HIV/AIDS and substance use clients. NASW/Texas 25th Annual State Conference Social Work Renaissance: A Silver Celebration, Austin, Texas. October 11-13
Holleran, L.K. (2001). Utilizing youth leaders in substance abuse prevention. Texas Society for Research on Alcoholism 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas. April 26
Padilla, Y., & Holleran, L.K. (2001). Community based research in policy analysis and practice. 47th Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, Texas. March 8-11
Holleran, L.K., & Marsiglia, F. (2000). The State of the Art: Substance abuse treatment and prevention. Gila River Drug and Alcohol Counselor Conference, Prescott, Arizona. June 28-29
Holleran, L.K. (2000). Social work with groups: Enhancing substance abuse prevention curriculum. 46th Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, New York, New York. February 26-29
Holleran, L.K. (1999). Chicanos/as of the Southwest: Las Personas Cosmicas. 17th Annual Baccalaureate Program Directors Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. November 4-7
Holleran, L.K. (1998). The cycle of addiction. Gila River EMS Annual Conference, Laughlin Nevada. April 17-18
Holleran, L.K. (1997). Substance abuse prevention with Latino/a adolescents. 2nd Biennial Conference on Minorities and Prevention, Tempe, Arizona. December
Other noteworthy presentations
Holleran Steiker, L. (annually, 2018, 2019, 2020). Mandatory Training for Student Teachers: Understanding and Screening for a Substance Use Problem in Schools. University of Texas at Austin and Texas Educational Association, September
Holleran Steiker, L. (2019) Invitational Participant/presenter at the Center on Addictions “Youth Addiction Expert Summit” September, 2019, New York, NY
Holleran Steiker, L. & Micks, P. (2020). Invitational Conceptualized, Directed, and Presented FOCUS Video with skills for first year students to be successful with Online Learning. See
Conway, F. & Holleran Steiker, L. (2020). How to not get “Emotionally Stuffed” over the Fall Break – Taking Care of Mental Health. Zoom, UT Austin, December
Holleran Steiker, L. (annually 2018, 2019, 2020) Training for Student Nurses on Substance Use Disorders: Prevention, Intervention, Assessment and Treatment. University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing
Holleran Steiker, L. (2019). Presentation on Youth Substance Misuse and Substance Use Disorders to IBHS Scholars (Interdisciplinary Behavioral Health Scholars.)
Holleran Steiker, L. (2019). Two presentations on Adolescent Substance use and Peer Recovery Support Services for the Psychology Residents of Dell Medical School
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2015). Innovations for Youth Substance Use Disorder Interventions. American Society of Addiction Medicine, Houston, Texas, February 21
Holleran Steiker, L.K. (2014). Young People and Drugs. Sage presentation, University of Texas at Austin, October 16
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2014). University of Texas at Austin’s Honors Day Address, Erwin Center, Austin, TX, April 12
Holleran Steiker, L.K & Starbird, M. (2013) Reaching Beyond the Classroom. University of Texas Undergraduate Advisory Council meeting, Austin, TX October 25
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2012). Substance Abuse Research with Adolescents: REAL Dialogues and Decisions. University Lecture Series: Research That Changes the World. Mandatory lecture series, University of Texas at Austin, First Year Experience. September 17
Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). School of Social Work: Applied Research that Changes the World Face-to-Face. University of Texas 1883 Council, September 10
SHIFT Initiative to change the culture of drugs and alcohol on the University of Texas at Austin Campus. Funded by the Hildebrand Foundation ($3.4 million) 2019 – present.
Texas Targeted Opioid Response funded by the State of Texas Opioid Response Grant (co-PI to PI Dr. Lucas Hill). Grant 1 $3.5 million and follow up, $8 million. Designed to increase education, collaborations of services, Naloxone trainings, and interdisciplinary approaches to tackling the Opioid crisis in Texas. 2017 – present.
Cost-Benefit Calculator for Opioid-related agencies and projects (Co-PI to PI: Shelton Brown, Ph.D. (funding as part of University of Houston).
Proposals and resubmissions:
Mental health among adolescents with substance use disorders: Development of developmentally appropriate measurement instruments (PI). Hogg Foundation Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Research RFP (pending, requesting $50,000 for 2 yrs) in Texas, Austin, TX.
Student Veterans as Experts: Preventing Substance Abuse among Collegiate Military Veterans (Pilot for R34 proposal). PI. Sponsored by the Dean of Students, University of Texas.
Adaptation of a substance prevention program for Student Veterans1 R34 DA037088-01 (impact score 47, not funded; resubmitted to NIH National Institute of Drug Abuse NIDA February, 2014) Resubmission June 2015, outcome pending.
Past proposals and completed grants:
Family Engagement in Youth Substance Addiction Recovery. Funded by the University of Texas at Austin Vice President for Research for pilot at University High School ($750).
Friar Fellowship Research Funds. ($5,000) being used to lay the groundwork for ongoing research of the effectiveness of University High School (Austin’s first recovery high school) and the mentorship program between UT Center for Students in Recovery and University High School.
Bridging the Gap: Women in Recovery with Young Children. PI, Communities for Recovery. Funded by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) ($37,000 annually – projected for 2 years totaling $74,000)
Substance Use Prevention for Student Veterans Experiencing Psychological Distress. Co-I with PI Christopher Salas-Wright. Hogg Foundation, received. ($40,000)
UT Special Research Grant for Development of Evaluative Tools for Austin’s First Recovery High School, PI. Funded by the University of Texas at Austin VP for Research, ($750 granted)
Consultant for The Center for Social Innovation (C4) pilot project [PI: Kristen Paquette, Chief Program Officer, Center for Social Innovation funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation — $1.5 million over 3 years] to evaluate new approaches to supporting young people with low-to-moderate risk for substance use. Under my leadership, Austin will be one of six sites to deliver SBIRT interventions through peer-to-peer relationships.
2012-2013 Big XII Faculty Fellowship for Collegiate Recovery Research. PI Holleran Steiker. University of Texas at Austin, Graduate School. $1,250. To collaborate with Texas Tech Collegiate Recovery Program, with Kitty Harris, Ph.D., George C. Miller Family Regents Professor and Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement, College of Human Sciences; Director, Center for Prevention and Resiliency; and Director, Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery.
An evaluation of the Journey of Hope curriculum: Teaching coping skills and building resilience post natural disaster (2011-2013). PI (Co-Investigator, Tara Powell, MSW, MPH, Ph.D. Candidate). Save the Children. $33,123.
Identifying Racial and Ethnic Differences in Alcohol and HIV Related Risk and Prevention. Contracted Co-PI (PIs Malone & Greer). NIMHD. R01 proposal submitted June, 2011.(1,727,065.00 requested, not funded).
Promoting Resilience-Based Diabetes Self-Management Education Among African Americans (2011-present). Consultant (PI: Mary Steinhardt, Kenesiology). National Institute of Health, R34 [DK085218 02]
K01 Mentored Scientist Award (KO1DA017276-01) (2003-2009). Acculturation and Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention. Principal Investigator. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). $622,465 over 6 years.
Early Attachment & Later Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Homeless Youth (2004-2006). Co-Investigator (PI Margaret Taylor, Ph.D). Center for Health Promotion Research (UT’s NIH funded Interdisciplinary Nursing Research Center). P30 NR005051 (Stuifbergen) National Institute of Nursing Research / NIH Center for Health Promotion / Disease Prevention Research 2004-2008
Promoting Resilience-Based Diabetes Self-Management Education Among African Americans National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases / NIH 2011-2012 R34 DK085218 (PI: Steinhardt): This project explored salient factors for diabetes intervention among African Americans in community settings. Consultant $10,000.
CAPES grant, PI (2004-2006) Youth, Education, and Juvenile Justice: Brazilian and US Delinquency Prevention to promote collaboration and cooperation between these nations. $20,000.
Dr. Dad Program Evaluation (2003). Principal Investigator. Funded by the National Fatherhood Initiative. $15,000.
Culturally grounded drug resistance videos for high risk youth (2002). Principal investigator. Funded by the Center for Health Promotion Research (CHPR), University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. $10,000.
“Culturally grounded” substance prevention: Testing drug resistance strategies videos with multiethnic youth (proposal submitted, June 1, 2001). Principal Investigator. RO3 application to the National Institute on Drug Abuse [scored 222].
Protecting You, Protecting Me Alcohol Prevention Evaluation (2000-2002). Principal Investigator. Funded by the Texas Governor’s Office. $57,500 for 2 years
Special Research Grant (SRG): Protecting You, Protecting Me Alcohol Prevention Evaluation, pilot of measurement instrument. (2001). Principal Investigator. Funded by The University of Texas at Austin Office of the Vice President of Research. $6000.
Community Based Family Resource Services (CBFRS) grant. (2000-2002). Co-Principal Investigator. (PI, Dennis Haynes) Funded by the State of Texas, Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. $149,642.
Search Committee member for the Inaugural Senior Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies.
Leadership with First Year on the Forty Task Force via UT Provost’s Office
Member, C3 Curriculum Committee, serving the Provost and Faculty Council (2019-present)
Member, Experiential Learning Workgroup, at the invitation of the Provost (2017-2019).
Participated in Addictions Research Summit in role as Adjunct Research Professor with the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. December 3-4, 2017
Helped facilitate the UT Drug Take-Back Day with the UT Wellness Network & the Committee on Substance Safety and Overdose Prevention (COSSOP), covered in the UT Daily Texan November 29, 2017.
Served on panel on the difference between protected and unprotected speech which brought over 100 students and faculty to discuss and hear arguments from all sides of an ongoing national conversation.The Division of Diversity and Community Engagement and the Opportunity Forum hosted a panel on Wednesday evening featuring UT alumni, professors and Ross Ramsey, executive editor of the Texas Tribune. Moderated by Leonard Moore, interim vice president for Diversity and Community and Engagement, the panel was the second event in the “Free Speech on College Campuses: Where to Draw the Line?” series. 2017.
Facilitated semester-long bi-monthly pilot project for UGS “Talking Through Tough Stuff” for Signature Course Faculty and UGS Advisors and other Staff. The forum provides space for discussion of effective facilitation of difficult dialogues, resources for students and faculty, and creative mechanisms of student engagement, a critical protective factor in challenging times.
Chair, Signature Course Advisory Committee (2013-present)
Chair, University of Texas at Austin Academy of Distinguished Teachers (2015-2017).
Ambassador, Provost’s Teaching Fellows (2015-2018).
Chair, New Faculty Symposium (2016).
Facilitator of Campus Conversations, in role as Senior Provost’s Teaching Fellow (2014).
Member, Committee on Substance Awareness and Overdose Prevention (COSOP) (2016-present)
Member, Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics Council (2013-2018)
Outreach to Signature Course Professors proposing or teaching a Signature Course.
Facilitator of 34th Annual New Faculty Seminar, University of Texas at Austin (2014).
Appointed by the Dean as Chair to the University of Texas Undergraduate Studies Advisory Committee (Fall, 2011- present)
Appointed by the Dean of the University of Texas Undergraduate Studies as Faculty Chair of the Signature Course Advisory Committee (SCAC) (Fall, 2012 – present)
Supervisor, University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work MSSW internship with University High School.
Executive Committee, Member [2002- 2003; 2004- 2005; 2013-2014]
MSSW Admissions Committee: reviewed applications for MSSW program, Member, [2000-09]
BSW Committee, Member. [Fall, 2000-present]
International Committee, School of Social Work [2004-2005]
Faculty and Staff Association Committee, School of Social Work [2006-2016].
Co-facilitator, Freshman Interest Group, School of Social Work, [2001-2011]
School of Social Work Advisory Board, Member (Serve on the Events and Outreach committee). [Spring 2003 – 2013]
Social Work Representative, Children and Health Panel, The University of Texas at Austin, Bridging the Disciplines Program [Fall, 2003-2014]
Board of Advisors & Faculty Liaison, The University of Texas at Austin Center for Students in Recovery [2004-present]
Professional Linkage Committee, Member [Fall, 2000-Spring 2003; Fall, 2004]
School of Social Work Faculty Search Committee, Member. [Fall, 2003 –Spring, 2004]
Diversity sub-committee of the Executive Committee, Member. [Spring, 2003]
Founder and Board Chair, Texas Harm Reduction Alliance (THRA) Opioid response drop in center, outreach, and policy/advocacy (2018-present)
Board of Directors of AIDS Services of Austin (ASA), Secretary and member of Programs and Services committee, 2000-2006.
Participated in Task Force Meeting: Cultural Competence in Child Welfare Practice: A Collaboration between Practitioners and Academics. Feb., 2001
Participated in The University of Texas at Austin Services for Students with Disabilities Awareness Conference, November 28, 2001
Analyzed data and prepared report on AIDS Services of Austin Client Satisfaction Survey (annually 2001-2005)
Member of Austin Travis County Integral Care Research Review Committee [ongoing]
Provide support, resources, and speakers for Social Work Freshman Interest Group (FIG)
Designed and facilitates workshops (bi-monthly), “Adolescent Substance Abuse” for local hospitals, agencies, UT classes, schools, and conferences.
Facilitated Family Forward Supercharge Day, “Substance abuse and families.” Austin, Texas, June 2002
Facilitated focus groups for People’s Community Clinic as part of the agency re-envisioning efforts
Group member and consultant, DOA (Disease of Addiction) to educate community of dangers of addiction for youth and solutions to the problem.
Member and University representative, Travis County Task Force for the Prevention of Underage Drinking.
Advisory Committee Member, Advisor, and Open Position Search Committee Member, University of Texas at Austin, Center for Students in Recovery (CSR) from inception (2004) to present.
School of Social Work representative on Task Force with Jewish Family Services (JFS) to investigate and attend to the Substance Abuse needs of the Jewish Community, Austin, TX.
Board Member and Founder, University High School (Austin’s first sober high school) – opened in 2014.
Advisory Council Member, Texans for Recovery and Resiliency, a SAMHSA-supported statewide network collaboration between the Texas Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (TXFFCHM) and RecoveryPeople.
Co-Facilitator, Recovery Oriented Care Collaborative (ROCC) 2015-2019.
Executive Committee, Youth Recovery Network, Austin, TX 2016-present
Executive Leadership Team and co-founder of SHIFT, an innovative initiative designed to SHIFT the UT campus culture of substance use from risk to wellness (2018-present)
Founder and Chair of the UT Opioid Response Consortium (2018-present).
Member and Reviewer, Editorial Board, Social Work (journal of the National Association of Social Workers)
Grant Reviewer, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administation)
Consulting Editor, Families and Society and Journal of Social Work Research
Guest Co-Editor, Social Perspectives / Perspectivas Sociales journal
Co-Editor, special edition of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
Consulting Editor for the Journal of Social Service Research
Guest Reviewer for the Journal of Primary Prevention
Special Topics Editor of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.
Participated in the NIDA Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research, Research Training and Career Development Focus Groups, Sept. 25, 2002 in Washington, D.C.
Book reviewer, Oxford books, Lyceum, and Allyn & Bacon Publishers.
Subject matter expert, online continuing education course, Adolescent Substance Use, Texas Department of State Health Services.CAPES grant, PI “Youth, Education, and Juvenile Justice: Brazilian and US Delinquency Prevention” (Proposal submitted August 31, 2004 – funded March, 2005) to promote collaboration and cooperation between these nations. Continued correspondence and collaborations beyond grant period to further initiatives.
Selected as expert participant in the Grayken Center Summit and Collaboration on Emerging Adults and Substance Use, Misuse, Substance Use Disorders and Recovery (2018-present).
Interviewed on Radio show DC radio station WPFW, Jazz and Justice radio. The show “School of Thought” is about the intersection of higher education, social justice and music. This show addressed the Opioid Epidemic, and I shared the show with Dr. Josh Sharfstein, Vice Dean for Public Health Practice and Community Engagement and Professor of the Practice at Johns Hopkins. October 1, 7-8pm.
Social Work Podcast on Recovery High Schools —
National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Member
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Member
Society for Prevention Research (SPR), Member
Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW), Member
Certified New Jersey School Social Worker
Completed family therapy training with Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic
Council for Social Work Education (CSWE), Member
Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. (BPD), Member
Texas Research Society on Alcoholism (TRSA), Member
Texas Recovery Initiative (TRI), Member
Research Review Committee of the Austin Travis County Integral Care, Member
Association for Recovery Schools (ARC), Member and part of the Research Committee
College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) – sponsored membership application submitted – approval pending.
Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals (TCBAP): certified International Peer Recovery Specialist and Texas Peer Recovery Support Specialist.
NAATP (National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers)
Austin, Texas Recovery Oriented Care Collaborative (ROCC), Member
Founder and Chair of the UT Opioid Response Consortium
Consultant, Cardea research group (projects on Opioid Prevention with Youth)
Founder and Board Member, Austin Recovery Network
Advocate & Board Chair, Texas Harm Reduction Alliance
Social Work Building (SSW)
Room: 3.122A
Phone: 512-232-9330
Mailing Address
The University of Texas at Austin
Steve Hicks School of Social Work
1925 San Jacinto Blvd 3.122A
STOP D3500
Austin, TX 78712-0358