Our Vision & Mission

The Vision of the Addiction Research Institute (ARI) is to inspire real-world social impact and reduce the negative consequences of addiction and substance use on individuals, families, and communities. 

The Mission of ARI is to generate system change, along the addiction recovery continuum, through innovative research, education and training, advocacy, and partnerships. We conduct rigorous, transdisciplinary, and translational research that facilitates the transfer of new and innovative scientific strategies to support prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts.

We seek to inspire real-world change

How we do this: 

  • Develop multi-sectoral partnerships that result in bold initiatives to progress science, amplify the voices of communities, and inform policy and practice;
  • Create training and educational programs dedicated to reducing stigma and improving access to care for the most vulnerable populations;
  • Conduct community-engaged research that will advance science in addiction and recovery initiatives;
  • Provide technical assistance to community, state and federal systems on best practices in addiction treatment and recovery, workforce development and evaluation;
  • Develop entrepreneurship opportunities that incorporate innovative technology and solutions to inform and support systemic change for the addiction care continuum.