Generating systemic change along the addiction recovery continuum
New Study from ARI Seeking Participants
The research team that developed TxCOPE at The University of Texas at Austin is seeking participants for a research project focusing on supporting the well-being of outreach workers providing substance use services. We would like to collaborate with outreach workers to adapt an existing support program aimed at reducing occupational stress. With your help, we have the unique opportunity to tailor this program to the needs of outreach workers and to develop an intervention to inform change for the outreach substance use service workforce across the country.
We invite workers and leaders at organizations providing substance use services via outreach to participate in virtual focus group discussions where we will ask for your thoughts and opinions about an existing program (i.e., stress first aid) as well as your experiences with occupation stress as it relates to your work. In virtual focus group discussions, we will ask for your thoughts and opinions about an existing program (i.e., stress first aid) as well as your experiences with occupation stress as it relates to your work. You will also be asked to complete a brief, 5-minute survey that will collect some demographic information about you and your organization. The research activities for this study are the survey (5 minutes) and 1-2 focus groups (120 minutes each).
Data collected as part of this study will be de-identified. We will be conducting two rounds of focus groups, with six participants in each group (12 participants total).
To thank you for your time you will receive a $50 gift card for each focus group you participate in.
If you are interested in participating in this project or have any questions, please contact Jake Samora at