ssw attc

ARI End-Of-Year Highlights

In our 2023 recap, we want to acknowledge all of those we work with every day to help make the Addiction Research Institute possible. We thank everyone for believing in our mission to generate system change, along the addiction recovery continuum, through innovative research, education and training, advocacy, and partnerships. We conduct rigorous, transdisciplinary, and translational research that facilitates the transfer of new and innovative scientific strategies to support prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. Below we’ve gathered a roundup of various highlights from ARI programs.  

Recovery Symposium 2023

Join ARI's SSW ATTC partner the University of North Texas Recovery to Practice in the Recovery Symposium 2023 held both virtually and in-person on September 27th from 2-5 pm CT.

Reigniting the Flame 

‘The Art of Healing Through Peer Support’ Conference Helps Recharge Passion for Recovery Work  From June 27th – 29th the University of Texas Addiction Research Institute and Achara Consulting held the ‘Transforming Minds, Inspiring Hope, and Changing the Narrative: The…

Drug Policies in Portugal

Drug Policies in Portugal Dr. Sharma was joined by a group of UNT students this summer for another study abroad. This is the fourth trip Dr. Sharma has made to study drug policies in Portugal. Discover many of the changes…

Childhood Psychological Maltreatment – Essentials for Evidence-Based Counseling

Childhood Psychological Maltreatment – Essentials for Evidence-Based Counseling Childhood psychological maltreatment (CPM) is the most widespread and damaging form of child maltreatment; however, it is the least studied form of abuse. Presenters will discuss the long-term psychological and social impact…

National Recovery Rally

Join the National Recovery Rally hosted in Region 6 state Oklahoma!   Oklahoma Faces & Voices of Recovery is coming to Oklahoma this year! We are excited to host the National Recovery Rally at OSU OKC this September! There will…

The Ethical Challenges of a SUD Counselor

Join South Southwest ATTC and the University of Central Arkansas in “The Ethical Challenges of an SUD Counselor,” presented by Trisha Jenkins, Clinical Instructor at UCA. Aug. 1st, 9 am – 12 pm Central Time, Online Webinar Description:  The…

Oklahoma Tribal Nations 101 Training

This interactive training provides behavioral health professionals with an overview of Tribal Nations in Oklahoma as well as best practices for cultural humility and resources. With 2 days of online training to choose from — either July 27th from 9:00…