New Article from ARI and SHSSW Researchers on Harm Reduction Interventions

Read the new article published by the ARI team, 3rd-year Doctoral Student Katie McCormick, 1st-year doctoral student Jake Samora, ARI’s Director Dr. Kasey Claborn, ARI’s Associate Director of Education and Training Dr. Lori Holleran-Steiker, and Steve Hicks School of Social Work Dr. Diana DiNitto.

This socio-ecological systematic review identified 36 studies (7 at macro-level, 8 at meso-level, and 21 at micro-level) on opioid-specific harm reduction interventions in the US.

Findings reveal that evidence for micro- and meso-level interventions is largely consistent (i.e. interventions were found to be significantly associated with outcomes that reduce opioid-related harm), whereas evidence for macro-level interventions is mixed. 

Study findings also revealed two additional themes across levels of interventions: 1) a lack of interventions that span multiple socio-ecological levels, and 2) a lack of attention to race, ethnicity, and gender in study contextualization and intervention reach.