
Dr. Conway Receives Award for Societal Impact

Dr. Fiona Conway and Professor Stephen Courter from Texas McCombs School of Business received an inaugural Moritz Center for Societal Impact award. This project, entitled Expanding Access to Housing for People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders, seeks to improve…

Big Texas Rally for Recovery 2023 Impact Report

In 2023, the University of Texas Addiction Research Institute (ARI) coordinated BTRR events and distributed HHS funds to support local rallies. ARI developed an application process for BTRR Affiliate Organizations to recruit partners from local substance use and mental health recovery communities to be a part of the statewide BTRR planning committee and to host local rallies for recovery. ARI facilitated affiliate planning meetings to share resources and lessons learned along the way. Check out our 2023 Impact Report showcasing attendance, vendors, and speakers along with recognitions, pictures, and more.

Leaving a Legacy of Love – Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker

Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker is one of the most well-known social workers in Texas. In 2023, she received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from RecoveryPeople, a charitable nonprofit with a long-standing history in Texas for its work with people in recovery. In this moving interview, Dr. Holleran Steiker discussed her current work in the opioid abatement council and SHIFT organization and spoke in-depth about what inspires her and the legacy she will leave in the addiction and substance use field. She also looks towards the holidays and reflects on how those in recovery can find hope during times of loneliness. Dr. Holleran Steiker’s impact can be seen far and wide across the state of Texas. Most recently, she was appointed by the Texas Governor and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to serve on the Texas Opioid Abatement Council which is tasked with ensuring opioid settlement money recovered through the state and its political subdivisions is allocated fairly and spent to remediate the opioid crisis.