
New Study from ARI Seeking Participants

The research team that developed TxCOPE at The University of Texas at Austin is seeking participants for a research project focusing on supporting the well-being of outreach workers providing substance use services. We would like to collaborate with outreach workers…

ARI End-Of-Year Highlights

In our 2023 recap, we want to acknowledge all of those we work with every day to help make the Addiction Research Institute possible. We thank everyone for believing in our mission to generate system change, along the addiction recovery continuum, through innovative research, education and training, advocacy, and partnerships. We conduct rigorous, transdisciplinary, and translational research that facilitates the transfer of new and innovative scientific strategies to support prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. Below we’ve gathered a roundup of various highlights from ARI programs.  

TxCOPE in the News – Dallas Morning News Fentanyl Series

In a new feature from The Dallas Morning News, TxCOPE's lead researcher Dr. Kasey Claborn was quoted in her efforts to help bring TxCOPE's mission across Texas, serving as a front-runner in overdose data tracking which helps overdose prevention agencies report and track overdoses in their community.

Texas Legislative Bills Taking Effect September 1st

ARI's Policy and Engagement team have spent the past year focusing on advocating for policy change during Texas' 88th legislative session. Research Associate for Policy and Community Engagement at TxCOPE, Mina Chitti, gives us a rundown of the House and Senate bills that were passed and are taking effect September 1st.